Tenet EC is 93.04% sold now
Tenet EC is now 93.04% sold after successful balloting by second-time buyers. This is after Tenet was 72.3% upon launch.

As at Jan 7 2023, Tenet executive condominium released the remaining 163 units for sale to second-time public housing buyers.
Learn more about buying EC through this useful FAQ.
Close to 140 potential second timers had registered their interest when e-application for second-time buyers began on Dec 30. In the end, 121 units out of the 163 units were taken up.
Second timers refer to homebuyers who have purchased a subsidised BTO flat or received CPF housing grants before and are now buying another subsidised flat. A Executive Condo is considered a subsidised flat. Find out more about first timers vs second timers here.
Under the prevailing EC regulations, only 30% of the units in a new EC project can be allocated to second-time buyers.

This brings total sales at Tenet to 575 units (93.04%) of the 618 unit EC.
Tenet Units Mix of 3 to 5 bedrooms
The composition of unit mix at Tenet EC are as follow:
- 363 units are three-bedders,
- 210 units are four-bedders
- 45 units are five-bedders
The average transacted price achieved at Tenet was $1,380 psf.
The current Tenet Available Units as at 7th Jan 2023
Please contact developer agent web site for the latest at any time as these changes quickly.
Next EC Project at Bukit Batok West
The next EC project in the pipeline for launch is the 373-unit EC at Bukit Batok West Avenue 8, which is targeted for launch sometime in the middle of this year.
The joint developers won that site in March 2022 with a bid of $266 million ($662 psf per plot ratio).